Farm Skills for Girls
Be a girl who knows how to feed a rabbit and check the oil in the truck. Be a girl who can hammer a nail and water seedlings. Be a girl who understands where her food comes from and how to harvest and share it. What would the world be like if every girl who wanted these skills could find them?
Programs for girls ages 6 and up, in spring and fall.

Building Skills for Boys
A rich and balanced childhood incorporates learning with the hands and heart as well as with the mind and intellect. Building useful things and knowing how to safely and skillfully use the tools necessary to do so offers learners an inter-disciplinary confidence that's hard to replicate in modern schooling. The classroom here is farm and forest. These projects and tools offer a wholesome body-based learning necessary for full childhood development. Kids enjoy these classes
because it's just fun to make stuff and be outside with friends.
Horseback Riding Lessons
Wondering how to start your child with riding? Our sensible ponies give rides through the forest and around the farm. One-on-one lessons let kids set the pace. Great as a warm-up lesson before moving to a bigger barn, as a way to test out whether this kid actually likes horses or not, and as a fabulous way to spend time outside with gentle animals learning great skills. For any kids (or adults) who want to learn to drive, Duke is even better at teaching driving than he is at giving rides!
Helmet provided, or bring your own.
Contact us to receive a link to schedule a lesson.
Lessons are $40 for one hour.